Sunday, October 3, 2010

All the man you ever wanted.....

Never has there been a single tear fall from my eyes,

at least when you were looking.

There was a method to my madness..

.A single tear could start the erosion of all I thought I could be for you.

I wanted to be the strong one.....

I wanted, needed, to be all the man you would ever need.

I have feelings ..but I dared not show them....

To do so would not be do so would mean my letting go..

of what I had fought so hard to keep from you...

If I have never be gentle enough with you...

blame it on my upbringing...attribute it to the fact of trail and error...I being the loser this time.

but not say I did not love you...

I loved you the only way I knew...

I Need you ...

I want you to know that...when you drift through crowds of unfamiliar smiles,

When you are a stranger in a strange land...I need to make sure you understand what,

and who you have become in my life.

When it seems that all is lost...that no matter what the can be the only answer.

Gary D. Eaton 3 October 2010

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